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• D1528. Blue and White Bowl and Cover Flower Vase
Delft, circa 1695
Marked AK in blue for Adrianus Kocx, the owner of De Grieksche A (The Greek A) Factory from 1686 to 1701
The bowl of scalloped and barbed quatrefoil shape, affixed at the ends with blue- spotted crocodile handles, the lobes with a ground patterned with dots, oeils-de- perdrix and daisy blossoms interrupted on the front and reverse with a fabulous beast and on the ends with two birds anking the handles, the barbs with a blue ground reserved with a mask wearing a scallop-shell headdress above two ruyi-head devices, all issuing small leaves, the conformingly-shaped domed foot similarly decorated but with a peony sprig interrupting all four lobed panels and a oral device in the barbed panels above a dentil band around the footrim and beneath a triangular-panel and trefoil border around the ankle, the rim with a tight-scroll border above a molded half-round band of shaded ‘beadwork’; the low domed cover rim with a petal-edged blue-ground border of blossoms and dotted circlets interrupted by eight gu-form spouts decorated on the front with a stylized oral motif above a budding plant and on the reverse with three dots, the center with a owering vine border encircling a hexafoil bottle-shaped vase decorated with ruyi-heads, foliate-scrolls and blossoms, and issuing from each of the six lobes a slightly aring cylindrical spout painted on the front of each with a bird perched on a similar budding plant, and again on the reverse with three dots, the knopped neck of the central bottle with a ruyi-head border pendent with stiff leaves beneath a dentil band around the upper edge echoing the band around the footrim.
Size: 29 cm. (11 7/16 in.); length: 27 cm. (105⁄8 in.)
Provenance: An American Private Collection.